Sunday, December 20, 2009

Our Life- as a joke

So going along with the theme, "better laugh then cry"... ha ha hardy-har-ha ha! The following:

I found a SMOKIN' deal on a sound system in the Canadian Tire flyer. My husband calls 2 stores and when he locates one he leaves the house immediately to pick it up.

3 HOURS later he returns.

"Where were you?" I say


Turns out the store that says they have the sound system... doesn't. He travels to two more stores before he finds one. At the last store- a smile comes across his face as he kneels down to pick up THE LAST sound system. His hands hit the box and "whoosh" the lights die and the power goes out for the ENTIRE STORE.

Security shuts down the building and everyone has to stay inside until the power comes back on. As time ticks on- with no end to the power outage insight- the store allows people to leave or make cash purchases using their back-up systems. My husband has no cash- and no reasoning or begging would have a Canadian Tire employee put that thing on hold. So he decides he will run to a nearby ATM and get out cash (leaving the sound system in the trusted hands of our accompanying brother-in-law) and then slip it through the sliding doors to Jake upon his return.

Now armed with a wad of cash my husband returns to the store to "pass the cash" and get the "deal done". My brother-in-law is the last one in the line-up. He goes to ring the thing through... and the back-up power fails.

After 3 hours my husband comes home empty-handed!

1 comment:

Tell me what you think... were you entertained? Has this happened to you? Let me know with your comment